Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Well Now, That's A Surprise

So, on April 2, it was SO hot that I wore shorts to work and plowed through 3 one liter bottles of water that I brought to work with me before the end of the day. Today was a rare day off and I managed to sleep in until 10 AM, only to look out the window to see...this!

It was (and still is at 1:20 PM) snowing like crazy! Three weeks after I was working outside in shorts and a layer of sweat, it's SNOWING!


Lady-in-Gray said...

That's nothing. We can (and do) do that in less than 24 hours here in Dallas!

Sorry for the unpleasant surprise...

LOSTbean said...

My parents live in CO and got like 6" of snow a few days ago. I blame it all on the volcano lessening global warming... ;o)

qt said...

Wow! Crazy!
You can dream of this in the dead heat of summer...

wesb said...

Hi all...
It seems that winter never leaves without a kicking-and-screaming fight, but in the end, it always leaves...

Prettyeyes said...

Reminds me of a PRINCE song I know....It's called "Sometimes it Snows in April"