Monday, October 18, 2010

What Did I Do This Weekend?


Lady-in-Gray said...


That's an itty-bitty little thing, isn't it?

LOSTbean said...

That is frickin' awesome!!!!!! Bumpy water skiing-LOL! I need some dramamine before I watch that again.

Sawsee said...

Excellent! Is this the beginning of a life full of glides?

Did you have to take a course first?

I didn't quite catch the name of the Glider but it looked like a russian name. Are you a secret agent? ; )

Greybishop said...

Whoa. 3 comments! It's been a while since I've seen that!

Let's see.

Yep, it's itty bitty. I've posted some pix of the flight taken by a fellow traveler on the ground. It's small inside but to glide it has a huge wingspan compared to the cockpit.

As for the "Bumpy Waterskiing", that part I LOVED. It's a blast being buffeted around like that, but it makes for lousy video!

And yeah, I'm thinking about getting my license and doing this regularly. For the intro flight he only takes you up to about 1500 feet or so to keep the flight around 20-25 minutes. When you do it yourself, the starting altitude is around 5000 feet. Think of the VIEW!