Wednesday, September 11, 2019

More Questionable Design Choices For Scoob!

Two more character designs have surfaced over at for the upcoming Scoob! computer animated movie.

The Velma design is pretty much okay but once again there are things about it that bug me.  I took a pass at altering it to fit my perception of the character but I'm not certain my version is any improvement.  I made her eyes a little smaller, raised the topline of the glasses a bit, subtly rounded her face and did a little tidy on the hair beside her face.

Original on the left, mine on the right. Better?  Worse?

The Fred design is another story all together.  I doubt that anyone would look at the design without context and say "That's Fred from Scooby-Doo."  He looks like a generic cgi character from an insurance commercial.  No personality, not a bit of him saved from the original animated design except for him being blonde, square jawed and a half hearted nod to his original colour scheme.

While mine isn't a huge improvement, it at least looks a bit like the character.  Personally I'd scrap this design and go back to the drawing board.  Awful.

I flipped the image because Fred's part is on the left (his right) (sidenote: I always assume guys that part on the right are left handed), lowered the hairline, gave him cheeks and a more rounded face while keeping that square jaw.  I also gave him a full on orange tee shirt.  I figure if you are going to replace something like Fred's iconic ascot, don't try to be subtle about the change.

Again, original on the left, mine on the right.  

If I was this poorly animated, I'd give myself side-eye too.

1 comment:

WildwindVampire said...

I would say both of yours are clearly an improvement from the actual designs. Clearly you should be the one designing these and not WB haha!