Thursday, December 14, 2023

The Best Damned Tomato Soup I Ever Had!

In my post last night, I mentioned that I had suddenly lost my taste and smell senses as a result of Covid.

At the time, I was mildly annoyed by the idea.

Then I did some reading.  

There are people who have lost the sense of taste and smell due to Covid that are still without those senses years after the event. 

I'll be honest.  That terrified me.  The first extrapolation was the idea of a Christmas dinner of texture and no flavour.  What a waste that would be.  Then I thought how awful it would be to have eating become a mechanical chore, performed to survive without joy.  

It was akin to somebody turning off the colour on the world.  

Like I said, terrifying.

Fortunately, I woke up with my senses mostly restored.  Orange juice and coffee were a true joy this morning.

For lunch, I made the most stereotypical sick day staple I had in the cupboard, Campbell's Tomato Soup.  A meal I associate with my childhood more than most.

In my whole life, a can of soup has never been so spectacular a meal.  

So, there's a new addition to the credo I posted last night.

Smell and taste and be grateful that you can do so!

The alternative is almost unthinkable.

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