Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Wolverine By Way of Vikings!

There are a few things I love. 

Three at the top of the list are Wolverine (the Marvel Comics character - I'm ambivalent on the 4 legged version), well choreographed sword fighting and a great, unexpected variation on a beloved character.

 This fan film has all three.

Most fan films are fun but flawed. hampered by low budgets and limited acting skills.  This one is not.  The acting is solid, the script tight and the action is spectacular.  The only weakness is in the opening scene, but after that first minute it is pure, joyfully violent gold!  It's as good (or better) than anything Marvel or Fox has ever done with the character.  I'd put it up against Jackman's turn in Logan, it's that good.  Take 10 minutes and see.  


How can this be SO good?!?

Somehow, this "fan film" gets the Logan/Wolverine character better than the multi-million dollar blockbusters that he's headlined.  THIS is the character as I saw him in the comics, before Hugh Jackman redefined him for a generation of film fans.

And putting Wolverine in the age of Vikings is simply genius!  In most iterations, his berserker nature is something he has to reign in and battle against.  Here, we see his core unleashed.  Truly spectacular!

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