Thursday, August 15, 2024

Another Kid Experimenting With Drugs.

The young man in the picture below is Herman Bekele.

Remember that name. 

He's humble, but he has a vision.

He might just change the world.

Normally, a kid experimenting with drugs wouldn't be a feel good kind of story.  This time it is.

There's this drug, imiquimod.  Not only is unpronounceable, but it's also used for the treatment of skin cancer.  For the moment it's just used for one type of skin cancer, but it's shown promise against others.

It's usually dispensed as a cream and it's not cheap.

That's where Herman Bekele comes in.  He heard about this drug and wondered if there mightn't be a better, cheaper way to dispense it.  He came up with the idea of putting it in a bar of soap.

It's fascinating and uplifting reading.  I recommend clicking here and checking it out.  

There are still a bunch of hurdles to go before Bekele's vision comes to fruition, but I plan to remember his name.  He's the kind of out of the box thinker that can make big, earth shaking changes.

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