Saturday, October 26, 2024

Another Stop At Hero Forge

Every once in a while, I stop by Hero Forge and design a few miniatures.  I no longer paint much as my once sharp eyes aren't really up to the task anymore.  I can do it with glasses and magnification but it's just not as fun somehow.

Hero Forge is still a kick though.  I can design pretty much any character, with the only limitation being what's available in the vast catalogue of features, clothing and equipment they offer.  That catalogue is constantly growing, too.  The painting options are damned near infinite, giving you the ability to paint with metallic, plastic, cloth, skin and bone textures and hues among many others.

My latest stop yielded a version of a comic book band I was a big fan of as a kid:

Peter, Paul, Gene and Ace, a little off model...

It's a great way to spend an hour or two.  Now if only I could afford to get a few of these made...

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