Thursday, August 29, 2019

I Shall Speak To You of Facial Hair and Gluttony...

So my online go to for all things Scooby-Doo,, posted an image from the upcoming computer animated feature, Scoob! this week. 

At first glance it's a passable likeness to Shaggy and Scooby looks just fine.  After a bit though, it dawned on me that there was a "wrongness" to Shaggy that I couldn't easily identify.  I pondered in my thinker until I figured out what was buggin' me.

Something here is
It finally sunk in that Shaggy's jaw is all wrong.  It's not flared out the way he's normally animated and his whispy little goatee is slapped across his jaw instead of starting between his lips and his chin.
Photoshopation to the rescue.  About two minutes of push and smudge gave me this:
You'll notice I also trimmed his hair.  Fuckin' hippy.
For those too lazy to scroll up and down, here's the side by side view:

So am I crazy or does my two minute slapdash edit not look light years better than the uber expensive, professionally designed, expertly animated version?

1 comment:

WildwindVampire said...

I think your version looks a ton better. Clearly you should be the one in charge at WB haha.