Wednesday, November 22, 2023

A Story About Many Things

At today, there's a story about a 9 year old boy, his tragedy, an illegal immigrant, his odyssey and how the two intersected one fateful Thanksgiving day on a desert road in Arizona.

If you can read through this entire story and not feel tears welling up, I would worry for your emotional well-being.  It's powerful stuff.

While it's a story about tragedy, loss, dashed hopes, change, resilience, healing and much more, I think it's really about one thing more than all that.

The simple act of helping when help is needed.

The fact that the hero of the story is a man trying to illegally enter the United States makes it more readily used by the media.  The fact that the victim is a young boy makes it more emotionally "punchy".

The thing is, in the true heart of the story, neither of those facts is truly important.  If it had been a successful businessman hiking the area in the "hero" role and a middle aged woman in the "victim" role, or vice versa, the story would be just as uplifting.  

One human helping another should be headline news every damned day.  In the end, it's truly the only thing in this whole world that is worth reporting or reading about.  Everything else is just noise.

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