Monday, December 11, 2023

Covid. 3 Shots But Still Got Me.

Friday afternoon, a little unexpected cough.  Maybe 4 times.

By that evening, a nasty sore throat, but a saltwater gargle seemed to help.  I had hope.

Saturday.  I felt like someone had rolled me like dough with a big old rolling pin.  My whole body ached like hell.  The sore throat seemed to go, leaving a little (very painful) cough.

Sleep was fitful and not very restful.

Sunday, the throat is sore again, the cough is back but at least the body isn't sore anymore.

Test for Covid to see if I can go to work in the morning.  Nope.  Positive Covid test.

It's a boy.

I like a day off as much as the next guy, but this a terrible way to get time off.  My head is still stuffy (seemingly in my brain as well as my sinuses) and the cough, though infrequent, is seriously painful.

It's still out there, folks.  So far it's not much different than a weirdly roller coaster cold.  One day bad, one better, back to bad.  Today I woke up feeling as bad or worse than yesterday.

Be safe.  It may suck, but consider a mask in big groups.  I was at the staff party on Wednesday and truly hope I picked this up somewhere on Thursday, not among my co-workers.  So far I seem to be the only lucky one, so maybe I did pick it up elsewhere.  

Again, be safe folks!   This is NOT the way to get a couple of days off work.

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