Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Will James Bond Be Kick-Ass...or Vice Versa?

The latest rumour in the ether is that Kick-Ass star Aaron Taylor-Johnson is a lock for the next iteration of James Bond.

If I'm honest, he's not the first name I thought of.

After a quick look for pix for this article, I think I've come around to the idea.  He's British for a start, so that's a plus.  I didn't realize that until now, assuming his accent in Kick-Ass was his natural one.  

He's also a big, fit dude.  He stands 5'11" and if the latest shots of him in the upcoming Kraven the Hunter movie, he's jacked.  Also a plus.

He's also 33 or 34 years old, so he could play Bond for the next decade or more and that could mean 4 movies or more, so again, that's a plus.  Resetting Bond to a 30 something and having his skills grow over a decade could be a great way to go.

Finally, there's the eyes.  Check out the poster below.  Ignore the silly mask and look at his eyes.

James Bond needs eyes like that.

I enjoy James Bond movies.  I've liked every Bond actor in one way or another, so I'm sure I'll enjoy him in the role should this rumour pan out.

I guess I'll have to give up hope for Kick-Ass 3...

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