Thursday, March 21, 2024

They Say That When You Go To A Baseball Game... always stand a chance of seeing something happen on the field that you've never seen before. 

I wasn't at the game, but I have NEVER seen this happen before, even if many, many defenders have thought that it happened to them. 

The ball actually went through the glove. Broke the webbing of the pocket right open and kept on going. 


Serious Bugs Bunny baseball move there.

More than once, I've seen a player whiff on a catch and look at his glove as if to ask if somehow the ball went through the leather.  This is the only time I've ever actually seen that happen.

This happened in the opening game of the season, played in Seoul, South Korea between the Dodgers and Padres.  There's still 160 games to go!  Gawd, I love baseball!

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