Sunday, July 14, 2019

Mr. Spock. Super Model.

It's been a while since I built a model.  Along with my silly super hero murals and painting miniatures, building scale models is one of my passions.  I particularly like human or humanoid models, basically my miniature hobby writ large.  Well, larger.

So this last month or so I've been puttering away at a neat Star Trek Model.  It's the only plastic scale model I've ever found that's one of the crew rather than a ship or prop.  Mr. Spock, in a weirdly uncharacteristic violent tableau with an alien lizard creature that he's pointing a phaser at.  I had a thought about changing out the phaser for a tricorder, but I would have had to build the tricorder from scratch and I found a neater, simpler way to modify this model to make it unique. 

So.  To the build:

All this white plastic will one day be Spock.

A little glue, a little putty, a little filing...
 A first bit of colour.  Not much to look at...yet.

Hmm.  That looks like a Starfleet Uniform...

This amoeba lookin' thing is the base of the model but it also looks an awful lot like something Kirk and Spock might have run across on a weekend...

The three headed space lizard I mentioned.  I decided to go colourful to offset the dark of Spock's uniform and the base in general.
Speaking of the man himself.  Face painted, head on straight.  That's a together Vulcan.
And the base.  I went as funky with colour as I could, again to offset the dark of the main figure. Plus, Star Trek circa 1968 was usually pretty damned colourful.
The three heads all attached.  At this point the left and center heads have been puttied, filed and the joints painted.  The right-most head is just attached and if you look closely you can see the rust red of the putty at the joint. 
Fully assembled, including 3 tongues.

Spock, affixed to the fully painted base.  Notice that he now has his left hand and the phaser has been painted.  One final bit to go.

The complete model.  If you are wondering what my "unique" modification was, it's the green phaser beam.  There was no such piece in the kit. It's a swizzle stick, carved and fitted to size. 
As for the violent looking pose, in my own mind I wrote a little story that ends with Spock using his specially tuned phaser to remove its shell casing after the crew accidentally interrupted the normal hatching process.  Here we see Spock removing the last traces of the shell.  He has his communicator out, ready to have Scotty beam him up, since even newborn three headed space lizards like a Vulcan snack when they can grab one.  Happy ending all around and a nice Star Trek twist in the tale. 
So that's it.  Spock from AMT.  Like I say, this is the only Star Trek model kit I've seen that's of a person not a ship.  And hey, if I'm wrong and you know of another, please let me know. 
As always, I'd be thrilled with a few comments on the build.  It'd be nice to know someone else has seen my efforts...

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