Sunday, July 14, 2019

I Do Believe This Is The Worst Movie I Own

I own an awful lot of awful movies.

My dvd collection started out as an attempt to collect a complete collection of all the Marvel and DC Comics related properties ever released on dvd.  By and large, I've done that.  Along the way I've had to purchase and watch such gems as Man-Thing, a Marvel horror property, the DC Comics crapfest Steel starring Shaq and a bunch of really awful attempts to bring superheroes to the screen from the 40s, 50s and on and on.

Over the years, I've expanded the scope of my collection to include other genres like sci-fi and fantasy.  I often wind up buying dvd sets that include movies I've never seen in order to get a deal on something I'm after from one of those genres.  This week I cracked a set I bought cheap a while back that included the two Sam Neill Merlin made for tv mini-series from the late 90s/early 2000.  Packaged with them (they were decent, by the way) was a third Merlin from the era, something called Merlin - The Return.  This third movie's inclusion is a bit of a mystery as it shares exactly zero dna with the first two, but there it is lurking at the bottom of the three disk stack.

I vaguely recalled the Sam Neill films from their original airing and I enjoyed them on this watch through enough to call $10 for the two a reasonable value.  They're well made and qualify as "rewatchable" if only barely.  The third movie in the pack is another story all together.

Adrian Paul, who played a pretty decent Immortal in the Highlander tv series gets stuck with the role of Lancelot in this load of crap and the only other recognizable face is the lovely Tia Carrere.  To give you the broad strokes, this movie is basically a rip off of the late 80s Dolph Lungren classic He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.  I own that movie too.  Merlin - The Return makes that film look like Lord of the Rings. 

I'd love to give you the review but quite honestly I let this one play while I built a model across the room.  It took about five minutes to realize how bad it was going to be and under other circumstances I'd just have turned it off.  However, back on New Year's Eve 2016 I resolved to watch every single dvd I own, regardless of quality, so it played on and I watched with one eye and ear.  Something about Mordred, Lancelot and Guinivere stuck in limbo and Tia Carrere's scientist finding a way to get them out and into 20th Century Britain.  Terrible costumes, acting, effects, stunts and writing.  So bad it's not even fun to watch for being awful.

Thankfully, I had a nice Star Trek model to build and paint tonight.  If not for that I might have had to do some house cleaning.  Phew.

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