Thursday, May 09, 2024

He Probably Didn't Even Need The Ice...

...because Harrison Ford is just that cool.

Sure, he's over 80 and that last Indiana Jones movie was weak, but find me another 80 year old guy who could have done it better.  Ford's "weak" is most men's "Gawd, don't I wish!".  For those of us of a certain generation he's Han Solo, Jack Ryan, Dekker, the coolest U.S. President and the one and only Indiana Jones. 

He's crashed his plane, walked away and continued to fly, improvised that amazing scene where he just shoots the super sword guy in the market in Raiders of the Lost Ark, relegated Sean Bloody Connery to riding bitch in the side car, chucked terrorists out of Air Force One with a hearty "Get off my plane!" and so much more.

From something I read today:

While filming an action sequence for Blade Runner 2049, Harrison Ford punched Ryan Gosling... for real. According to Gosling, Ford didn't apologize. Ford instead poured Gosling a glass of scotch and told him it's an honor to be hit by Indiana Jones. Additionally, Ford pushed Gosling out of the way when the crew brought ice for Gosling's face. Ford used the ice to soothe his fist instead, saying that part of Gosling's job was to be out of the way of the punch.

Gosling: I am the hottest leading man in the world.
Ford: Hold my beer.

Same guy who improvised the immortal "I know" when Princess Leia told him she loved him.

Simply the coolest living being on the planet.

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