Tuesday, October 15, 2024

So Is Emmy Paying Attention?

Awards shows bore me to tears.  I never watch and haven't since back when Silence of the Lambs was Best Picture.

Still, they sometimes bring attention to stuff that might go unnoticed, so that's a good thing.

This year's Emmys have come and gone.  I think that the timing will be against it, but there's a show airing now that MUST get AT LEAST the Best Make-Up award for 2025.

Somehow, a team of geniuses make THIS work:

I've watched 4 episodes and I still can't get my head around it.

Colin Farrell's performance is amazing and he deserves consideration for it.  But the make-up!  

Not once have I looked at the lead character and seen anything but an overweight, scarred, middle-age slob with a limp.  It's like the anti-Farrell.

The show itself is as good as any mob drama I've seen (not my favourite genre) and Farrell's performance as the Batman villain has drawn me in completely.

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